Sailing from Belize to Guatemala

Two weeks after Martin’s surgery for kidney stone removal, our time in Belize neared the one-month mark, prompting our departure to avoid complex bureaucratic procedures with local authorities. However, Martin’s recovery wasn’t complete, as he still grappled with a catheter scheduled for removal on the 21st day. The discomfort hindered his mobility and made sitting or standing challenging. Determined, he planned the trip and maneuvered us out of the marina. During the voyage, the rest of us stepped in and took the watches while he laid down, only coming up when the thunderstorms got a little too wild for the rest of us.

Navigating the Sea

Our journey towards Rio Dulce unfolded with a mixture of challenges and favorable weather. A thunderstorm shadowed our path, resulting in a single squall with winds reaching 40 knots and torrential rain. Fortunately, the squall swiftly passed, giving way to radiant sunshine. Slowly sailing along the route, we discovered a series of anchorages, each offering a unique perspective of Belize’s coastal beauty.

Belize is renowned for the extensive Mayan Reef that stretches across its eastern coast and extends into Mexico’s Yucatan Peninsula. Unfortunately, our plans to explore the reef were hindered by Martin’s ongoing wound recovery. Additionally, with hurricane season in full swing, our priority was to reach Rio Dulce’s shelter before potential storms hit.

Checkout at Placencia

Spending two nights in Placencia, we took the opportunity to explore the Island while Martin went on a challenging trek to manage clearance out with customs and immigration. He had to take a watertaxi through the mangrove followed by a taxiride. It was a little too long trip and made his discomfort escalate, with the catheter exacerbating his pain and the presence of blood in his urine.

Finally in Guatemala

Next day, we sailed slowly towards Guatemala, finally anchoring at Punta Manabique on the eve of Victor’s 13th birthday. Martin’s active involvement in sailing continued to diminish due to his persistent discomfort and limitations. The voyage’s physical and emotional demands remained, but our determination to navigate the challenges together persisted. It was great to finally be in Guatemala soon safe from hurricanes.

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